
At the Johns Hopkins Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, clinicians and scientists are dedicated to finding the causes of Alzheimer’s Disease and related disorders, creating effective therapies for treating them, and caring for those who are affected by them.
Our center is funded by the National Institute on Aging. There are, however, many important projects that will benefit from financial support.
Your gift, large and small, will help us in our efforts to reduce the burden of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders by supporting research in the Department of Pathology. Some of the most important needs include:
- Providing support for fellowships to young MDs and PhDs, so we can expand training for the next generation of researchers.
- Underwriting innovative pilot projects to test novel ideas and provide preliminary data for larger grant applications.
- Supporting community education programs that broaden knowledge about Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders, and foster improved care for patients.
If you would like to make a financial contribution, either as a gift or a tribute to a loved one, you may send your donation directly to us by making your check payable to the ‘Johns Hopkins Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center‘ and mailing it to:
Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center
Department of Pathology
Johns Hopkins Medicine
550 North Broadway / Suite 701B
Baltimore, MD 21205
Or you can donate online by clicking the button below:
If you have questions about how to support research on Alzheimer’s disease at Johns Hopkins, contact the development office at 443-287-7949 or [email protected].
We are grateful for your support.