Contact Us

For general information about Alzheimer’s Disease, please contact the Alzheimer’s Association at, 1-800-443-2273 or 410-561-9099. Or, ADEAR at

If you are interested in making an appointment to be evaluated, please call the Memory and Alzheimer Treatment Center at 410-550-6337.

If you are interested in an educational program, resource table, or partnership, please complete our ‘Community Education and Events Request Form.

If you have a general question regarding the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, please contact Barbara Rodzon. She will either be able to answer your question or direct you to the appropriate person.

Barbara Rodzon
Division of Cognitive Neuroscience
Department of Neurology
1620 McElderry Street
Baltimore, MD, 21205

[email protected]
(410) 502-9272