Alden Gross, Ph.D.
Data Management and Statistics Core: Co-Investigator
E-mail: [email protected]
- Chen D, Jutkowitz E, Gross AL. Statistical harmonization of everyday functioning and dementia-related behavioral measures across nine surveys and trials. Alzheimers Dement, 2023; 15: e12412.
- Nichols EL, Cadar D, Lee J, Jones RN, Gross AL. Linear linking for related traits (LLRT): A novel method for the harmonization of cognitive domains with no or few common items. Methods. 2021; 26: S1046.
- Gross, AL, Hassenstab, J, Johnson, S, Clark, LR, Resnick, SM, Kitner-Triolo, M, Masters, C, Maruff, P, Morris, JC, Soldan, A, Pettigrew, C, Albert, M. A classification algorithm for predicting progression from normal cognition to mild cognitive impairment across five cohorts: The Preclinical AD Consortium. Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring, 2017; 8: 147-155.
- Gross, AL, Power, MC, Albert, MS, Deal, JA, Gottesman, RF, Griswold, M, Wruck, LM, Mosley, TH, Coresh, J, Sharrett, AR, Bandeen-Roche, K. Application of latent variable methods to the study of cognitive decline when tests change over time. Epidemiology, 2015; 26: 878-887.